Dave Kalter Memorial

KB8OCP (SK) 11/18/13
Dave Kalter, KB8OCP, is a longtime friend, fellow contester and DX’er. Dave has been on the CQWW SSB contest team at TI5N since 2008. Dave is also a co-founder of the Youth DX Adventure (YDXA), an organization that sends young hams, ages 12-17, with a parent to a DX location during the summer to operate as a DX station. Dave was a past vice president of the Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA) and an active member in the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) and Hamvention. Dave liked RTTY, PSK, and CW. He maintained a rate of 275 Q’s per hour in the CQWW SSB contest from TI5N, an inspiration to all hams of all ages. Dave became a silent key on November 18, 2013, at his home with his family at his side. Dave is survived by his brother Michael, W8CI, former General Chairman of the Dayton Hamvention and past president of DARA. Dave was also survived by his sister Patty and his beloved soul mate Lynn. (Picture at TI5N in Costa Rica, October 2012 working the CQWW SSB contest) Photo by Don Dubon, N6JRL
2025 is a special year.
Announcing two trips!
W3Y – Scheduled for June 13-15
PJ2Y – Scheduled for July 17-22
We are pleased to announce the Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure plans to participate in two events for 2025. The first one is a Special Event as W3Y on June 13-15, 2025. The K3LR Multi-Multi Contest Station, West Middlesex, PA, is hosting us at their station for this event. They will participate operating as a team of youth operators. This is the third time a YDXA event is being hosted in the USA and may become an annual event. As K3LR is one of the largest stations in the world, this adventure is truly special for the David Kalter kids and their parents.
The second trip is a DX adventure in Curacao operating as PJ2Y on July 17-22, 2025. The Caribbean Contesting Consortium (PJ2T) super contest station is hosting us for the fourth time and housing has been reserved. We look forward to again seeing our host friend Uli Thielke, DL8OBQ. At this site, we operate as the DX and are a special event station. Operations by the kids are about four days and sometimes around the clock! We anticipate several thousand QSLs on most bands.
Application for each trip and more information is coming soon.
Both of these trips are sponsored by DARA, K3LR Multi-Multi Contest Station, DX Engineering, QCWW Foundation, along with several other clubs and individuals. See the team page for more information.
We were On The Air
Jul 29, 2024
We got on the air around 8 a.m. this morning and the numbers were going up. We’re getting good signal reports from all. We operated until 4pm. For the first hour Grace and Katie mentored Ian and Lilly and then turned them loose. The bands were mostly open and the kids rotated between the bands. 1,957 QSLs were accomplished.
July 17 2022
The kids hit the qso record bell at 2045z exceeding the old record of 6,583