In memory of Greene County Ohio Sheriff Gene Fischer KX8GCS SK
Gene was dedicated to spreading amatuer radio especially to youth. He was instrumental in starting the 4H amateur radio program at Greene County Fairgrounds. Also, he was a strong backer of our YDXA efforts and we talked often to him about Youth involvement. Gene became a SK suddenly. We miss him and his drive to facilitate growth in the Amatuer Community.


Geoff Howard W0CG
First licensed in 1963 at age 13 in Wheeling, West Virginia, as WN8KUW. College, military service, and many family moves netted other calls: WA3ILB, then WA1LHC. I selected W0CG in 1976 while living in Kansas in the Air Force. During a period living on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands in 2000, I was assigned KP2F.
I retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserve as a Colonel (Civil Engineering) in 2002, and from my “day job” in 2004 as Professor of Information Systems, Graduate School of Management, Kent State University. I also spent about 15 years in industry and government as an EE and systems analyst, with employers including the FAA, Allegheny Ludlum Steel, the RCA Aerospace Systems Division, and an administrative position at Youngstown State University.
I hold the callsign PJ2DX, am a legal resident of Curacao, and spend as much time as possible living in down there in the tropics, where it is 85 degrees and sunny 365 days a year.

Uli Thielke
Uli was first licensed 1984. He’s a software engineer and travels around the world for his job and hobby. In Germany he has build the contest station DA2C together with his friend DK3DM.
Uli has been to 3D2, 9M6, CT3, EX, J3, J7, OJ0, T2, V2, ZA mostly for contests. He is member of the CCC since 2013 and had visit PJ2T 6 times.
A huge thanks to Uli who is doing this for three years! Also for stepping up to this year’s challenges.
2022 Team Leaders

Jim Storms AB8YK
Jim is a retired IT professional and is a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association, the Huber Height Amateur Radio Club VE team and was 2014-2015 President of Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA). He has served as President of the Huber Heights Amateur Radio club and Vice-President of Dayton Amateur Radio Association. Currently is Dayton Hamvention Assistant General Chair. Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team and supports the YXDA website. He enjoys contesting, participating in field Day, Ohio QSO Party, CQWW WPX along with other QSO contests, assisting in public service events and DX’ing. Jim has been co-leader on most of the Youth DX Adventures and leader of this and several year’s trip.
Jim also participates in Boy Scout activities including the Radio Merit Badge. He was also a member of the 2010 BSA National Jamboree K2BSA team and is a member of the K2BSA club.
Additional Individual

Ron Doyle N8VAR
Ron is a retired Database Guru and a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association and the Huber Heights Amateur Radio Club VE team. He has been a ham for 30 years. Ron has served 50 years in Scouting and has attended 5 National Jamborees on the K2BSA staff. Ron checks into multiple ARES voice/digital nets and Winlink nets weekly to keep up on his Emergency and Digital communications skills.
2022 Team
- Logan was born in 2003 and currently attends Doherty High School in Colorado Springs, CO.
- He holds an Extra Class Amateur radio license in February of 2019. He achieved his Tech license in 2017.
- Logan has been a mentor to his friend Sam who now holds a Technical License, plus several others in the church and the neighborhood who are working towards their ham licenses or have also passed their Technical tests. Logan never fails to encourage others to get involved with radio, including teaching classes on the subject to youth groups at church.
- His main interest is electronic applications. Logan’s future plans include becoming an electrical engineer.
- Logan currently has straight A’s in his high school class work.
- Doug is a retired computer programmer and a former communications officer in the US Marine Corps.
- Doug is a Vietnam veteran.
- He is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
- Doug was born in 1946.

Brennan Long K6BFL
Brennan is 17 years old and holds the extra class license, having been first licensed in 2016. He is an active DXer and contester. He has worked 217 DXCC entities from stations all around the United States and operates as 9A/K6BFL remotely in a station located in Croatia. He loves to contest and has taken part in K0RF CW contest, WW1X SSB contest, and many more. Brennan loves all modes but mainly uses CW or SSB. Other than ham radio, he loves to fly drones and go up to the mountains. He is excited for the opportunity to operate from Curacao.

Melissa Long KE0LJE
Melissa holds the extra class license having been licensed since 2016. She majored in law and became a lawyer and a journalist. She enjoys photography and loves the beaches and swimming. She is currently working as a lawyer in a local parks and recreation center. She is the mother of twin boys, K6BFL and KE0LJF.

Candace Scott KE8MMS
I was born in 2002 and first became licensed in June of 2019. I then upgraded my license to general in June of 2021. I participate on a weekly net and I’m part of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association. I currently attend Miami University studying Mechanical Engineering and Small Business Management. My grandparents and father got me into the hobby, and it has grown ever since. I love talking on the radio and I love learning!

Terry Scott NV8E
Terry was first licensed in August 1985 as a Novice with the call sign KA8YAX. In November 1986 he upgraded to Extra with the call sign of NV8E. Terry is a retired Tool & Die engineer. He is a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) and long time volunteer at Dayton Hamvention in various positions. He is also a member of Mound Amateur Radio Association in Miamisburg OH, where he resides with his wife Susan, KD8FIZ. They enjoy camping and talking on the ham radio.

TJ Hardin KO4FFA
TJ is a highly motivated general class amateur radio operator. Having only been licensed since 2020, TJ enjoys learning new things about amateur radio. He enjoys contesting and chasing DX as well as activating parks on the air. He has previously worked with the ARC of Columbia County which he is a member of, in their youth outreach program in preparations for the Savannah River Academy’s ARISS contact in December of 2021. He plans to go to college for mechanical engineering having a passion for making things. He currently runs a small business selling custom-designed end-fed antennas at local swap meets. TJ enjoys 3D printing and server/network management outside of amateur radio.

Tom Hardin KO4HKC
Thomas is a freelance fire sprinkler design engineer. He was first introduced to the hobby by his son TJ (KO4FFA) in 2020 receiving both his tech and general class license in one go, using amateur radio to bond with his son. He enjoys digital mode and remote operation. He is currently a member of the Amateur Radio Club of Columbia County.
2022 Sponsors
Without the support of these great sponsors this trip would not have been possible for most, if not all of our youth team members. By their support these youth operators are going to get to have the ham radio experience of a lifetime, and have one great “what did you do this summer” story when they go back to school in the fall.
Individual Donors
Amounts will not be published.
Any amount will get your name and call sign on our website and a QSL card.
Please Contribute!
Removed per request
Jim Storms AB8YK
Tom Sly WB8LCD
Neil Rapp WB9VPG
Julie Rapp
James Fitzpatrick WI9WI
Annette Fitzpatrick KA9DOC