
2023 W3Y Special Event – Occurred July 29
The Dave Kalter Memorial Youth DX Adventure participated in a 2023 Special Event as W3Y on July 29, 2023. K3LR Contest Group hosted us at their station for this event. They participated in the RSGB IOTA contest as a team of 4 youth operators. During the contest they made 2,283 SSB qso’s around the world on 5 bands. It included all 50 states, 6 continents and 60 dx entities.
Prior to the event the youth were treated with a special zoom call and also each presented “What Ham Radio Means to Me” to the DX Engineering group. You will find the YouTube Video here.
This is the first time a Youth DX Adventure event was hosted in the USA. As K3LR is one of the largest stations in the world this adventure was truly special for the David Kalter kids and their parents.
The trip was sponsored by the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, K3LR Contest Superstation and DX Engineering.
2023 Team Leaders
Jim Storms, AB8YK
Jim is a retired IT professional and is a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association, 2023-2024 Hamvention General Chair, the Huber Heights Amateur Radio Club VE team and 2014-2015 President of Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA). Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team and supports the YXDA website. He enjoys contesting, participating in field Day, Ohio QSO Party, CQWW WPX along with other QSO contests, assisting in public service events and DX’ing. Jim has been co-leader on most of the Youth DX Adventures.
Jim also participates in Boy Scout activities including the Radio Merit Badge. He was also a member of the 2010 BSA National Jamboree K2BSA team.
Michael Kalter, W8CI
Michael, W8CI is a DARA Board Member and a Board Member of The Radio Club Of America and is very active with Hamvention. He enjoys working DX and field operations. Michael has traveled to many places in the world promoting and speaking about Amateur Radio. He is a primary net control operator for Skywarn at the National Weather Service in Wilmington, Ohio.
Michael is the brother of Dave Kalter SK KB8OCP who was one of the founders of the YDXA.
2023 Team

Katie Campbell, KE8LQR
Katie Campbell, KE8LQR is 15 years old and resides in northeast Ohio. In amateur radio, she enjoys making CW contacts, chasing DX, teaching kids morse code classes for the Long Island CW Club, and helping out with her school’s amateur radio club, K8LPS. She is also a member of the YACHT (Young Amateurs Communication Ham Team) group. Katie has been a Carole Perry youth presenter at Hamvention in Dayton and Hamcation in Florida, as well as being the YLRL speaker at Hamvention and SeaPac. She has also attended YOTA region 2 summer camps in 2022 and 2023. Outside of amateur radio, she is a member of her school’s speech and debate team, plays the flute, runs cross country, swims for Firestone Area Swim Team, and enjoys knitting. She is a 4th generation ham and was the first in the family, other than her great grandfather, to earn an extra class license.

Colleen Campbell, KB8VAQ
Colleen Campbell, KB8VAQ, is a high school science teacher and a mom of three; KE8LQR age 15, KE8TYU age 11 and hopefully soon to be licensed 8 year old Evie and has been married to Rob, KE8LYZ, for 21 years. Colleen has a Bachelors of Science in Biology from Youngstown State University and a Masters of Science in Neuroscience from Kent State University. She has been teaching for 21 years and currently teaches chemistry, physics and conservation science and is also co-advisor of K8LPS at Columbiana High School. Colleen is a Volunteer Examiner and focuses on introducing students to amateur radio and guiding them towards getting licensed. Her hobbies outside of amateur radio include hiking, gardening, bird watching, cooking, reading, and finding and trying great coffee shops. Colleen is a third generation ham radio operator and very excited that Katie’s interest in the hobby has led to many trips to hamfests with my dad, N8GGK, and daughters sharing the same hobby that we used to share with his father, W4RAA, now a SK.

Grace Papay, KE8RJU
Grace Papay (KE8RJU) is a 3rd generation, 17-year-old amateur radio operator from Holland, Michigan. Grace was licensed in 2021 and holds an Amateur Extra class license. She is a member of the ARRL, Holland Amateur Radio Club (K8DAA), Grand Rapids Amateur Radio Association (W8DC), the West Chester Amateur Radio Association (WC8VOA), and AMSAT. She enjoys communicating via amateur satellites and has so far achieved VUCC (Satellite 825), WAS, and WAZ (25). She is actively working towards DXCC and the AMSAT GridMaster Award. One of Grace’s most memorable contacts was with Dr. Kjell Lindgren while he was aboard the ISS operating as NA1SS.

Doug Papay, K8DP
Doug Papay (K8DP) of Holland, Michigan was licensed in 2005 (KD8CAO). He has been an Amateur Extra Class licensee since 2007. Doug’s primary interest in amateur radio is satellite work; he also enjoys chasing DX and occasional contesting (VHF, 10GHz and Up, Sweepstakes, and International DX). He is a member of ARRL, Holland Amateur Radio Club (K8DAA) and a Life Member of AMSAT. Some of the awards he has received include: DXCC (Satellite 112, Phone 134, and Digital 132), VUCC (Satellite 1500, 6m 250), WAS (Satellite, Mixed), WAZ (Satellite 25), WAC (Satellite) and AMSAT GridMaster (all 488 continental US grids via satellite). He operated from Haiti (HH8/KD8CAO) via satellite (and HF) on 3 occasions in 2015 and 2017 during mission trips supporting Radio Lumiere. Professionally, Doug is the Lead RF Design Engineer and Engineering Manager for Electromagnetic Compatibility Design at Gentex Corporation, a Tier 1 automotive supplier.

Agnes Wagner, AD8IR
Agnes AD8IR is 13 years old and entering 9th grade. She earned her technician license at age 8, her general at age 9, and her amateur extra at age 11. She enjoys using digital modes such as FT8 and FT4 and is particularly active during Field Day and Ohio State Parks on the Air. She is also an active member of Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS), where she participates in contests and other activities.
Agnes was a presenter for the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo and the Hamvention Youth Forum. She is also a Life Scout in Scouts BSA, and in her spare time, she enjoys cooking, crafting, and many outdoor activities

Ben Wagner, AD8FQ
Benedict (Ben) AD8FQ is 15 years old and about to start 11th grade. He earned his technician license at age 9, his general at age 10, and his amateur extra at age 11. Ben loves contesting both with Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS) and with his family during portable operation.
Ben has been a presenter for the QSO Today Virtual Ham Expo and the Hamvention Youth Forum. He is also an active member of Scouts BSA and is currently a Life Scout working toward the rank of Eagle Scout. He also enjoys participating in activities with his church youth group and playing video games

Nick Wagner, AC8QG
Nick AC8QG is first and foremost a proud husband and father. He’s also the current president of Portage County Amateur Radio Service (PCARS), a Volunteer Examiner, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a software engineer. After becoming a ham, he managed to turn his new hobby into a whole family affair, with three of his kids already licensed
2023 Sponsors
Without the support of these great sponsors this trip would not have been possible for most, if not all of our youth team members. By their support these youth operators are going to get to have the ham radio experience of a lifetime, and have one great “what did you do this summer” story when they go back to school in the fall.
Individual Donors
Amounts will not be published.
Any amount will get your name and call sign on our website and a QSL card.
Please Contribute!
MIchael W8CI and Linda Kalter W8AAV
Jim Storms AB8YK
Tom Sly WB8LCD
Terry and Susan Scott
Matthew Lacy
Steven Golson
Paul Mundt