Additional Individual

Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Dave is a retired machinist and builds custom motorcycles. Dave is an avid contester and DX’er, he enjoy’s RTTY and digital modes. He was on the 2009 TI5N CQWW team.
2012 Team Leaders

Jim Storms AB8YK
Jim is a retired IT professional and is a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association and the Huber Height Amateur Radio Club VE team. Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team and supports the YXDA website. He enjoys contesting, participating in field Day, Ohio QSO Party along with other QSO contests, assisting in public service events and DX’ing.
Jim also participates in Boy Scout activities including the Radio Merit Badge. He was also a member of the 2010 BSA National Jamboree K2BSA team

Rob Gibbs KD8HSV
Rob has been licensed since 2008 and is a member of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and W8BI Contest Crew. He enjoys both voice and digital modes. He also enjoys participating in Field Day, Ohio QSO Party and Ohio State Parks on the air from remote locations. He is a member of the Montgomery County Emergency Management Agency as a Communications Operator.
He is a full time Police Officer with the City of Huber Heights and is currently a hostage negotiator with the Regional Emergency Response Team.
He is a former member of the United States Air Force and Mad River Township/Enon Fire Department where he was in charge of the Water Rescue and Public Education programs.
2012 Team

Kaitlyn Cole KS3P
Kaitlyn Cole KS3P is a 12 year old Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator, living in Harvest, Alabama. Kaitlyn is the daughter of Stan Cole NX3P and Amy Cole. She was first licensed at 8 years old, and upgraded to Extra within 4 months at the tender age of 9. Kaitlyn enjoys working with youth interested in Amateur Radio, participating in Field Day, and the ARRL November Sweepstakes. She was selected as the 2011 Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. She will be one of the speakers at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention Youth Forum.
Kaitlyn is a member of the ARRL and represents the Alabama section as an Assistant Section Manager – Youth and is a member of the YLRL, and a member of the Huntsville Amateur Radio Club.
Kaitlyn is currently in all advanced courses in 6th grade. In addition to Amateur Radio, Kaitlyn enjoys playing the flute in the Middle School Band, and taking piano lessons. She enjoys reading, travelling, and spending time with her Keeshond named Sookie.

Stan Cole NX3P
Stan Cole NX3P is a Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator, living in Harvest, Alabama. Stan is originally from Washington, PA and is married to Amy Cole, and they have a 12 year old daughter, Kaitlyn KS3P. Stan is a Network Engineer with Northrop Grumman.
Originally licensed in 1981, Stan enjoys casual HF radio contacts with stations around the world. In the past couple of years, Stan has found the joys of kit building and working QRP from the field. Stan is a member of the ARRL, QRP ARCI, and the Huntsville Amateur Radio Club.
In addition to Amateur Radio, Stan enjoys riding his motorcycle, photography, and working with computers.

Jesse Greenberg W2EEO
Jesse Greenberg, W2EEO, of Wading River, NY is one of the world’s few 4th generation Amateur Radio Operators. He was licensed in October 2009 as a Tech and upgraded to General in the following year. He will be 12 by the time the DXPedition commences. HF Phone is his favorite mode although he sometimes is heard on 2 meters. He was control operator at the ARISS contact at Riley Avenue School in February, 2010.
He is very involved in Boy Scouts; he is working on the rank of Star. He has the Radio Merit Badge. Jesse is regularly at the mic of AA2BH, Baiting Hollow Scout Camp and puts Scouts on the air year round at various Scouting events as well as mentoring scouts who are working on Radio Merit Badge.
Jesse has operated the ZF1A club station in Grand Cayman while on DXPedition with Dad W2CYK and holds ZF2WR for a callsign there. He is also an avid scuba diver and loves riding his BMX bike for fun. Jesse plays violin and loves music in general. He is son of Bob W2CYK, grandson of Marty K2ACM, great-nephew of N6VSU (SK), and great-grandson of Art W2LH (SK) and Madeleine W2EEO (SK). Look for Jesse at Dayton Hamvention doing demos of Rfinder, The Worldwide Repeater Directory.

Bob Greenberg W2CYK
Bob W2CYK was first licensed in September, 1976 at Pearl River High School in NY. He is a 3rd generation Ham and loves operating HF Mobile and portable stations. Bob enjoys being on tower erection teams.
Bob has been involved in 7 ARISS contacts around Long Island, NY with The Peconic Amateur Radio Club ARISS team. He is a member of Peconic ARC, Long Island Mobile ARC and Long Island Amateur Radio Simplex Club and is an ARRL Life Member.
He is a Systems Architect and owns ITWeRKS Consulting. Bob has been a SCUBA instructor since 1996 and has dove all over the world. His Caymanian callsign is ZF2BG and DXPeditioned there in 2010 with his Son, Jesse, W2EEO.

Christi Crawford KD8DGL
Christina is 17 years old and has been a ham Since 2006. She loves working Public service events with her family, where she is often a bicycle mobile operator and sometimes Net Control. She is a member of DARA and XWARN She loves working with other kids and getting them interested in amateur radio at our kit building events such as TECH FEST. She feels amateur radio has provided a great opportunity to meet great friends and encourages others to join.

Mike Crawford KC8GLE
Mike has been a ham for 17 years. He is a General currently working on Extra. He greatly enjoys public service events with his wife , daughter and brother who are all hams. He is chairman of the DARA and XWARN communications support units and also the deputy director of GCARES and president of XWARN. Mike enjoys the many great friendships ham radio has brought and is looking forward to the friendships and experiences he’ll share with his daughter in Costa Rica.

Edward Doyle KJ4NRN
Edward Doyle, KJ4NRN, is 14 years old. He is in eighth grade and is home schooled. His father, grandfather, great uncle, and sister are all licensed. He loves DX’ing and has working on confirming his 179 countries. Edward hosts a youth net on a local repeater and helps promote youth in amature radio with the Young Amateur Contest Ham Team (YACHT) and also the Living Science ARC. Edward has operated many contests and especially enjoys participating in the ARRL’s Field Day with the North Fulton ARC. He has written and article on DX’ing that is being published in the ARRL’s web extra. Edward is active almost everday on 20 meters. In addition to Radio Edward enjoys playing tennis and also the guitar.

Jonathon Doyle N4JJD
Born in Basel, Switzerland, I grew up in the southeastern U.S. I spent nearly six years in Germany on various scholarships and working as a transactional lawyer. I also spent a few years in New York City at a large mergers & acquisitions firm before returning to Atlanta, where we now live with our three kids. Although I have had an interest in radio since my early years, I never went beyond short wave listening until the beginning of 2009, when I began trying to catch up to my Extra Class daughter (AJ4JQ). As a corporate & securities lawyer for a large investment management firm, my radio time is very limited, but I have found the hobby quite addicting !
Although interested in many aspects of radio, I am particularly fascinated by DX, and love listening for those faint voices just barely rising above the noise level that might be a far-off, exotic station ! My only perennial disappointment is when the DX station complements my signal and audio, then immediately continues working the pileup – I would rather stop for a good long rag-chew !! I am still amazed every week by how we can make ourselves heard around the world with only 100W – a light-bulb level of power ! As a former student of medieval history, I am far behind my radio friends in technical knowledge, but I have become fascinated by the physics of radio electronics and am trying hard to catch up just a bit !

Kjerstie Olson KI6VNG
Kjerstie, KI6VNG, is a seventeen-year-old Technician class amateur radio operator and ARRL member from Los Altos, California. She is president of her high school amateur radio club, K6LAH, which took 8th place during the School Club Roundup in 2010. Kjerstie is active in Los Altos ARES and volunteers in local drills. She has run several of the local nets, participated in the Great Shakeout as her school’s emergency communications leader, and is trying to get her younger siblings licensed to continue the club once she leaves for college in the fall. Kjerstie is also a Santa Clara County disaster service worker, and is on-call for any local emergencies.
Besides Amateur Radio, Kjerstie plays field hockey and loves running and practicing yoga. She takes AP and honors courses, and tutors other students. She plays piano, organ, trombone, and sings in a choir. She can’t wait to join the rest of the team and have a great adventure on the YDXA in Costa Rica, where she can also put her Spanish skills to use. ¡Pura Vida!

Steven Olson KI6MYE
Steven, KI6MYE, is an Extra Class radio operator living in Los Altos, California. He currently serves as Training Officer for the Southern Peninsula Emergency Communication System and is an Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Los Altos Amateur Radio Emergency Services. His HF experience is limited but he has made contacts in Hawaii and Florida with a homemade balun and an OCF dipole hung from a swingset. He looks forward to seeing a real DX station.
He is currently employed at Intel where he manages software development for HDRadio receiver chips. He enjoys riding his motorcycle, but finds most of his time is spent repairing items and appliances around the house.

Devin Johnson KE5SYM
Devin got his Technician Class ticket four years ago at age thirteen, but has been active in Amateur Radio since age 8 in Cub Scouts, by participating and assisting with the annual Boy Scouts’ Jamboree-on-the-Air. He is also a member of the Midland Amateur Radio Club in Midland, Texas. His hobbies include Amateur Radio, sculpting, culinary arts, Scouting, theater, robotics and art.
Devin tries to specialize in having fun. While certainly not mic-shy, he operates using PSK-31, EchoLink and APRS modes as well. He particularly enjoys a “pile-up”, whether logging or operating. Over the years, he has been exposed to ARES, Skywarn, special event station operations, Field Day ops, JOTA and Kid’s Day. During the last 5 JOTA events each October, it has been his great pleasure to help over 350 Scouts get on the air to earn their JOTA patch.
Devin has earned many merit badges in Scouting, including the Radio Merit Badge. He has participated in school competitions in math and science, culinary arts, theater, robotics and also Youth in Government. All of the school competitions have required out-of-town action, but nothing like YDXA’s upcoming trip to Costa Rica. He hopes his studies in Spanish since grade school will be sharpened by the YDXA trip. Operating from such a world-class station should be a highlight in his ham radio experiences compared to his typical, low-power, portable operations thus far. “Excited” does not begin to cover the feelings Devin has for being allowed to participate in YDXA’s potentially once-in-a-lifetime experience. He expects that working with his fellow team members should be truly rewarding – and fun!

Scott Johnson KD5MHM
Scott holds an Extra Class ticket and is a member of the ARRL and Midland Amateur Radio Club. Although his friend Alton (N5PSP) got him interested via APRS, he states that it was Jerry’s (KK5YY SK) Satellite operations demonstrations at the Midland ham fest long ago that really amazed him. Scott got his ticket as fast as he could after meeting Jerry.
Scott hasn’t missed a Field Day or Boy Scout Jamboree-on-the-Air (JOTA) since becoming licensed, and last year crossed what he considers a “Life-Milestone” by having put over 1,000 Scouts on the air during JOTA.
He teaches the Boy Scout’s Radio Merit Badge each year and this year met another personal milestone when he completed teaching this merit badge to over 100 Scouts.
Scott claims that, due solely to the brilliance of his Spanish teacher, he became fluent in Spanish and has traveled to most of the countries in Central America, South America and even trips to Spain – but never Costa Rica! He loves to use any opportunity to practice his Spanish and eagerly awaits visiting Costa Rica with the team.
2012 Sponsors
Without the support of these great sponsors this trip would not have been possible for most, if not all of our youth team members. By their support these youth operators are going to get to have the ham radio experience of a lifetime, and have one great “what did you do this summer” story when they go back to school in the fall.
These organizations helped support this event with financial support.
Individual Donors
Amounts will not be published.
Any amount will get your name and call sign on our website and a QSL card.
Please Contribute!
Removed per request
Chuck Wright K8MDB
Scott Johnson KD5MHM
Brian Short KC0BS
Tim Duffy K3LR
Greg Banner N5ATU
Scott Johnson KD5MHM
Jim Storms AB8YK
Bob Greenberg W2CYK
Stanley Cole NX3P
Rob Gibbs KD8HSV
Tom Shaffer
Robert Mather N1XSS
Ann Foster K0ANN
Richard Siff W4BUE
Pat Vesper KC0EPF
Ronnie Reeder AD5SC
Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Carole Perry WB2MGP
Steve Olson KI6MYE
Dave Beington KD8MEU
Tami Elias
Larry Rebarchik N6DB
Tanya Rebarchik KI6TAR
Wayne Carrol W4MPY
Dale Robinson KB5YSJ