2010 Team Leaders
Additional Individual

Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Dave is a retired machinist and builds custom motorcycles. Dave is an avid contester and DX’er, he enjoy’s RTTY and digital modes. He was on the 2009 TI5N CQWW team.
Additional Individual

James Storms AB8YK
Jim enjoys contesting and is a member of the DARA VE team. Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team. He enjoys contesting and DX’ing.
2010 Team

Mitchell Jones KD8JRS
Mitchell is 14 years old and enjoys operating contests and DX. He is a member of SWODXA and the Butler County VHF Association.

Kevin Jones W8KJ
Kevin is an active DX’er and also a member of the SWODXA and supports SEDCO. Kevin has been a ham since 1989 and enjoys QRP. He enjoys CW and collects old keys.

Christi Crawford KD8DGL
Christina is 15 years old and has been a ham Since 2006. She loves working Public service events with her family, where she is often a bicycle mobile operator and sometimes Net Control. She is a member of DARA and XWARN She loves working with other kids and getting them interested in amateur radio at our kit building events such as TECH FEST. She feels amateur radio has provided a great opportunity to meet great friends and encourages others to join.

Mike Crawford KC8GLE
Mike has been a ham for 15 years. He is a General currently working on Extra. He greatly enjoys public service events with his wife , daughter and brother who are all hams. He is chairman of the DARA and XWARN communications support units and also the deputy director of GCARES and president of XWARN. Mike enjoys the many great friendships ham radio has brought and is looking forward to the friendships and experiences he’ll share with his daughter in Costa Rica.

Andrea Rollert KD8FNY
Hello, I am Andrea Rollert, KD8FNY from Dayton, Ohio. I am a Junior in High School where I participate in the Spanish Club, Color Guard and Winter Guard, Choir, and the Senior Class Play. I volunteer to assist The Dayton Hamvention show each year, and to assist other young people in constructing the FM radios during Tech Fest held at Sinclair Community College in Dayton. I am excited about operating Amateur Radio and traveling outside the U.S. I also look forward to the opportunity to practice my Spanish language knowledge while in Costa Rica.

Wynn Rollert W6CDR
Hello, I am Wynn Rollert, W6CDR from Dayton, Ohio. I have been licensed for more than 50 years and an avid DXer. I am active in The Dayton Amateur Radio Association, (DARA), The Dayton Hamvention, The Southwest Ohio DX Association, (SWODXA), and other local local Clubs. I enjoy working with computers and belong to The Dayton Micro Computer Association, (DMA). I have been on several DXpeditions over the years, providing Amateurs all over the world with new country contacts. I also assist Tech Fest at Sinclair Community College, in Dayton, for DARA and DMA. I look forward to working with young Amateurs in Costa Rica this summer.

Duncan MacLachlan KU0DM
Duncan MacLachlan was licensed a Tech with Code in February of 2006 and since has upgraded to Extra and fallen in love with every aspect of Ham Radio. Most active in DXing and occasional contesting, and always striving to QRQ. His uncle Brian Short KC0BS is his main Elmer, mentor, and good friend; and he credits Lee Bergren W0AR (SK) for helping him develop a love for DXing, Contesting, and Morse code.

Brian Short KC0BS
Brian has been a tech. and a computer geek at least since age 10. At age 18 Brian became President of the KU ARC and discovered his love of contesting, DX, tower climbing, repeater building, and club leadership that still occupy a majority of hid time today. Brian is president of the Kansas Amateur repeater council, kcAPRS.Org, NEKSUN/K0HAM, EC for Johnson County ARES, and VP of the Metropolitan Emergency Coordinating council. Brian teaches Ham class that has created more than 500 new Hams, 100 of them under 18, and 60 under age 13. This service earned him the Herb Brier instructor of the year award for 2009.

Rachel Hock KD8FOB
Hi, I am Rachel Hock, KD8FOB and have been an operator since 2007. I am a sophomore at Fairmont High School. I enjoy contesting and participating in Field Day. Also I have helped with making FM radio kits at Tech Fest. I row for GDRA and am in German Club and Student Council.

Robert Hock KD8FWQ
I started out in amateur radio by taking my son, and daughter to a class at DARA. I joined the class and got my license. Since then I have enjoyed participating in events like field day, and helping in events where DARA has provided communications.