Additional Individual

Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Dave is a retired machinist and builds custom motorcycles. Dave is an avid contester and DX’er, he enjoy’s RTTY and digital modes. He was on the 2009 TI5N CQWW team.
2014 Hosts

Geoff Howard W0CG
First licensed in 1963 at age 13 in Wheeling, West Virginia, as WN8KUW. College, military service, and many family moves netted other calls: WA3ILB, then WA1LHC. I selected W0CG in 1976 while living in Kansas in the Air Force. During a period living on St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands in 2000, I was assigned KP2F.
I retired from the U.S. Air Force Reserve as a Colonel (Civil Engineering) in 2002, and from my “day job” in 2004 as Professor of Information Systems, Graduate School of Management, Kent State University. I also spent about 15 years in industry and government as an EE and systems analyst, with employers including the FAA, Allegheny Ludlum Steel, the RCA Aerospace Systems Division, and an administrative position at Youngstown State University.
I hold the callsign PJ2DX, am a legal resident of Curacao, and spend as much time as possible living in down there in the tropics, where it is 85 degrees and sunny 365 days a year.

Uli Thielke DL8OBQ
Uli was first licensed 1984. He’s a software engineer and travels around the world for his job and hobby. In Germany he has build the contest station DA2C together with his friend DK3DM.
Uli has been to 3D2, 9M6, CT3, EX, J3, J7, OJ0, T2, V2, ZA mostly for contests. He is member of the CCC since 2013 and had visit PJ2T 6 times.
2014 Team Leaders
Additional Individual

Jim Storms AB8YK
Jim is a retired IT professional and is a member of Dayton Amateur Radio Association, the Huber Height Amateur Radio Club VE team and 2014-2015 President of Southwest Ohio DX Association (SWODXA). Jim is a frequent member of the TI5N CQWW contest team and supports the YXDA website. He enjoys contesting, participating in field Day, Ohio QSO Party along with other QSO contests, assisting in public service events and DX’ing. In 2010 and 2012 Jim was a co-leader of the Youth DX Adventures to TI5N Costa Rica.
Jim also participates in Boy Scout activities including the Radio Merit Badge. He was also a member of the 2010 BSA National Jamboree K2BSA team.
2014 Team

Neil Reed KD8TEH
Neil got his first exposure to Ham radio at the ARRL Field Day events with his Mom WB9ZIG and Dad KB8STB. He is a High School Freshman and got his license in 2012. He has been a member of DARA since he got his license. He loves to use radio to serve his community by volunteering at public service events.

Steve Reed KB8STB
Steve got his license after working the summer of 1994 with a couple of hams. He has been a member of DARA since 1996, and participated in many events with the club. He has been a Hamvention volunteer almost every year since joining DARA. Three of his five children are licensed hams. His favorite ham activity is building antennas.

DeAnna Ullery KD8SJK
DeAnna Ullery is 15 years old and has been an amateur radio operator since 2012, when she received her Technician class license KD8SJK.
Since 2012, she has participated in field day events, radio contesting involving SSB and PSK31 (her favorite mode of operation). She has assisted one on one with attendees of the DARA youth workshops on how to build radio kits during Dayton’s TechFestTM and volunteered during Hamvention® to raise funds for “Crew 73”, DARA’s own Venturing Crew.
DeAnna has been a member of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and American Radio Relay League since her licensing in 2012 and she regularly attends DARA’s monthly meetings.
DeAnna is a team member of the 2014 Youth DX Adventure and is looking forward to this wonderful opportunity to expand her horizons.
***Please QSL via HOME CALL WITH SASE or SAE if overseas. eQSL and LotW will be at the discretion of individual operators as not everyone uses these services. Please be patient and remember we are all youth operators or their parents. Since we are Middle School and High School age and do not have jobs, the SASE is a must and green stamps from DX would be very helpful.***

Jeff Ullery KD8SHF
Jeff Ullery began attending Hamvention® with a neighbor in 1978 and became licensed in 1984 as KA8YAJ. After 20+ years away from Amateur Radio, Jeff and family joined Dayton Amateur Radio Association and the American Radio Relay League under a family membership following his relicensing as Amateur Extra Class in 2012.
Jeff has participated in field day events, radio contests and assisted with the DARA booth at Dayton’s TechFestTM. Jeff currently serves as a crew advisor for DARA’s Crew 73 Venturing Crew and leads the DARA Thursday Night Group, a group of radio amateurs who meet to further their knowledge of Amateur Radio and technology.
Jeff is a parent team member of the 2014 Youth DX Adventure.
***Please QSL via HOME CALL WITH SASE or SAE if overseas. eQSL and LotW will be at the discretion of individual operators as not everyone uses these services. Please be patient and remember we are all youth operators or their parents. The SASE is a must and green stamps from DX would be very helpful.***

David Young KD8IXQ
David Young, KD8IXQ, is 19 years old. He earned his amateur radio license in 2008. He is currently working on his General Class license. His father, mother and siblings are all licensed. As a team we came in 1st for Field Day 2012 in Class 6E – OK, the only entry in 6E 😉
David has been active with the local ARES group and has participated in many public service events over the last 6 years including parades, SkyWarn, marathons, triathlons, community July 4th events, as well as other group events including Field Day, Simulated Emergency Test, and other training drills.
He is a member of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association and has volunteered at Hamvention and TechFest. He has participated in club equipment construction projects, fox hunts and Venture Crew events. He was Valedictorian of his high school class and continues in college at Ohio University with a 4.0 perfect GPA.
He eagerly looks forward to the YDXA, a once in a lifetime experience.

Mitchell Jones KD8JRS
I have been amateur radio operator since Nov. 2008. Member of SWODXA SouthWest Ohio DX Assoc.(W8EX), Dayton Amateur Radio Assoc. DARA (W8BI) , Butler County Amateur Radio Asoociation (W8WRK) and the ARRL.
2014 Sponsors
Without the support of these great sponsors this trip would not have been possible for most, if not all of our youth team members. By their support these youth operators are going to get to have the ham radio experience of a lifetime, and have one great “what did you do this summer” story when they go back to school in the fall.
These organizations helped support this event with financial support.
Individual Donors
Amounts will not be published.
Any amount will get your name and call sign on our website and a QSL card.
Please Contribute!
Removed per request
Erica Pelz – AE8YL
Jim Storms AB8YK
Tim Procuniar N8NQH
Mary and Bob Allphin K4UEE
Dave Kalter KB8OCP (SK)
Ed Collins N8NUY