Additional Individual

Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Dave is a retired machinist and builds custom motorcycles. Dave is an avid contester and DX’er, he enjoy’s RTTY and digital modes. He was on the 2009 TI5N CQWW team.
2011 Team Leaders

Duncan MacLachlan KU0DM
Duncan was born into Ham Radio, with 14 Hams in his family including his mother and two sisters. He got his Technician with 5 WPM code endorsement at age 11 and after being issued the call KC0VVU quickly upgraded to general and onto Extra a year later. Duncan then request his vanity call KU0DM because it was shorter, easier to send and say, and he is a University of Kansas fanatic.
Duncan likes to chase DX on CW and operate contests from the University of Kansas club station, K0KU. He also helps Brian teach a Ham Radio class that has brought over 600 Hams into the hobby. Outside of Ham Radio, Duncan is a Sophomore in high school and likes to run Cross Country and Wrestle on his school’s teams. He is also an Eagle Scout and enjoys spending time outside camping or water skiing

Brian Short KC0BS
Brian grew up in Hamilton, KS, a small town of 395 people. He has been a tech and computer geek at least since age 10. After many years of cajoling, his Father, KØCEY(SK) was successful in convincing Brian to get his ham license at age 18 in 1987. His prior calls include KB0BEA, N0IVS, and KF0BU. Brian immediately became active in the KU amateur radio club, and served as president there for 3 years. His time at KU ignited in him a love of contesting, DX, tower climbing, repeater building, and club leadership that still occupy a majority of his time today.
Brian is President and frequency coordinator of the Kansas Amateur Repeater Council, and Coordinator for where he actively promotes APRS to hams and served agencies and helps others install UI-View. He is President of the NEKSUN/KØHAM group which maintains 28 repeaters and 38 APRS digis throughout the Midwest.
Brian is an ARRL life member and Assistant Director for the ARRL Midwest Division.
2011 Team

Ryan O’Neil KD0EWP
Ryan has been active in Amateur Radio for four years experiencing ham radio with his dad at Field Day with the K0HAM group in 2008. Ryan ran the radios that Field Day for the full twenty four hours. At ten years old was bitten hard by the Ham radio bug.
The first day his call sign appeared in the FCC database, he couldn’t wait to get on the air. Out in the driveway, using a Yeasu VX170 and a small external antenna, he sent his call out a local repeater and got to enjoy a wonderful sporadic-E opening that allowed a 2 meter contact with a station more than 150 miles away.
The DX bug has also found him, and he is quite talented at pulling in those rare stations. Ryan also inherited a love for Morse code and enjoys chasing CW DX. Ryan upgraded to General in August 2010.
Ryan serves as Vice-President of the 150 member Johnson County Radio Amateur Club and is Assistant Section manager for Youth for ARRL Kansas.

Mike O’Neil KD0BNO
Mike was licensed in 2007 via, and upgraded to General in 2008. He is the quiet type that likes to dig into the technical details of Amateur Radio by watching and listening. Mike especially enjoys the digital modes, especially RTTY and PSK. Mike also enjoys working public service events with his son, as well as chasing DX at the University of Kansas Club station K0KU.
Mike is a veteran telecommunications specialist with thirty years installing and maintain private telephone systems.

Anna Veal W0ANT
At age 8, Anna was first licensed as a Technician at the 2009 Dayton Ham’Convention. In April of 2010, she upgraded to her General license and also attended Contest University in Dayton in 2010. She is now 10 years old and currently studying for her EXTRA. She is the current President of her school’s elementary amateur radio club, KD0NIV. She claims to have 3 super strange dogs and 1 chubby hamster. She has two five year old twin sisters, and as she describes them as, “one high pitched and one really high pitched” .
Anna has been around radio DX’ing and contesting all her life. Her friends claim she was born “radio-active”! Anna participated in the first ARRL Rookie Round Up contest in April of 2010 and had the national high score. She has since had other contesting experiences and now has a collection of various certificates. She operated SO2R, in the August 2010 NAQP SSB contest from K0RF’s super station and managed over 600 QSO’s with her story appearing in the Jan/Feb 2010 NCJ. Anna is a member of the ARRL, The Mile High DX Association, the Rabbit Ears Radio Club, Rocky Mountain Hams, and the Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado.
Anna is looking forward to her first ever DX operating experience from TI through the Youth Group. She is very excited for the trip and is looking forward to experience a tropical jungle of new adventures!

Paul Veal N0AH
Paul has been both an active contester and DX’er for many years. He is the current active President of the Mile High DX Association, a member of the ARRL, Rocky Mountain Hams, and The Grand Mesa Contesters of Colorado. He did a solo DX’pedition to Lord Howe in 1998, (VK9LZ) and went with a small group to Swaziland, 3DA0AX, in 2004. He has also operated from KH6, ZS, and France. He had a very active contest station in Wyoming from 1998-2003. He has been involved in various field day operations.
Paul, now 47, is a graduate of the ARRL’s Education and Technology Program Teacher’s Institute, and holds a Master of Arts degree in Secondary Education. He has been published on low band array systems in “CQ Contest” and in the “National Contest Journal”. With his daughter Anna, W0ANT, they have travelled to both Dayton and the ARRL Rocky Mountain regional meetings in the past few years. Paul has helped several people enter into amateur radio through teaching the exam materials and acting as an accredited ARRL VE. Paul is very active in both SSB and CW and is looking forward to learning about RTTY operations on this trip. But he is most excited about seeing his daughter’s first DX’Adventure in person!

Sam Jenkins KI4TRG
Sam was licensed at age 9 and upgraded to General two years later. He is active in several operating events including the School Club round-up, The North Carolina QSO Party, and Field Day. His favorite operating experience is 75 meter phone after midnight at the Raleigh amateur Radio Society’s (RARS) Field Day operation. This past year, Sam made over 100 contacts to help put W4DW in first place in the 8A category. In addition to operating events, Sam enjoys talking to the local hams on the 2 meter repeaters.
Sam is an active member of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS). As a volunteer in the Youth Lounge at the RARS’ hamfest, RARSfest, he enjoys showing other youth the excitement of amateur radio. Sam is also a member of the ARRL, Knightlights QRP Club, and the Powell GT Magnet Elementary School Amateur Radio Society. Sam is the principal Double Bassist in two orchestras, and enjoys reading and competitive swimming. Sam welcomes this adventure to learn new skills, see new places, and interact with fellow team members.

Steve Jenkins KA8HXX
Steve was first licensed in 1980 as a Novice. CW has always been his favorite mode, but he has dabbled in several modes over the years. In the past 31 years, Steve has participated in several contests, special event stations, and public service events. More resent activities have included being a member of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society’s hamfest planning committee and establishing an amateur radio program at Powell GT Magnet Elementary School. As a parent volunteer, Steve helps teach the amateur radio elective at Powell Elementary and is the trustee of the school’s club callsign, KI4LPW.
Steve is a member of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS), ARRL, Knightlights QRP Club, and the Powell GT Magnet Elementary School Amateur Radio Society. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, camping, and cycling. Steve looks forward to traveling and working with the team.

Arthur Siwecki KD8NUB
Arthur received his Technician license in April of 2010 and his General license later that fall. He and his dad are currently taking an Amateur Extra course to prepare for testing this spring. Arthur’s long time interest in short wave listening and antique radio restoration sparked his interest in Amateur Radio. As a new ham, he looks forward to being immersed in DX during this adventure, and he will be able to put to practice his three years of Spanish classes. He also enjoys the technical aspects of the hobby and looks forward to learning Morse code, various digital modes, and ATV. Arthur is a member of the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club (BARC), the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) and the ARRL. Arthur, a junior, competes on the Chaminade Julienne H.S. league champion Quiz Bowl Team and has competed on WHIO-TV’s High-Q quiz show. In addition to radio, Arthur also enjoys computer programming, restoring both new and vintage computer systems, stamp and coin collecting, and photography.

Natinka Siwecki KD8NUA
Natinka (Tink) received her Technician license in the spring of 2010 and upgraded to General that fall along with her husband and son. She was instrumental in persuading her family to “bite the bullet” and take the classes; and they all now enjoy the fun of ham radio and many friendships they have made. Tink is a member of the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club (BARC), the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA), and the ARRL. She currently serves as the BARC co-librarian. As a new ham, Tink is interested in pursuing emergency and public service activities.

Cameron Alexander KD0MDC
After watching his father, KD0LOR, get his technician ticket Cameron decided to go for it. He signed up for the technician class and passed his test at the age of 10 in July of 2010. Cameron had the opportunity to work 13 special events throughout the summer and fall of 2011, including many bike races, triathlons and Bikers 4 Babies in the Kansas City area. He was also lucky enough to gain some experience working net control at several of these events. Another interest Cameron has is balloon chasing. From launch until landing he really gets excited for the whole experience. His first DXing experience came when he was able to help do some logging at Field Day 2010 with the JCRAC. He really became interested when he saw what was possible during the KS QSO party, while operating at K0KU. He enjoys contesting operating DX from the KU club station whenever he can.

Andy Alexander AC0CO (New Call)
Andy’s journey into ham radio took longer than most. He became interested about 10 years ago after watching his stepfather, AB0HI, join the hobby, but never took the time to make it a reality. While browsing around on the Internet one evening last spring, Andy happened upon the website and took the plunge into ham radio. After passing his technician test in May of 2010 he pressed on and passed his general and finally his extra test in January of 2011. Andy enjoys working special events and balloon chasing with his son Cameron, KD0MDC, and is a member of the Johnson County Radio Amateur Club as ARES, ECS and SATERN member locally. Andy’s goal for 2011 is to learn how to operate PSK and gain more DXing experience overall.

Grace Jenkins KJ4KWG
Grace received her license in the 3rd grade. Prior to getting her license, she always enjoyed the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society (RARS) field day outings, and operating with her father. Grace has participated in the RARS field day activities for several years. This includes making contacts, logging, camping, swimming and eating North Carolina BBQ. Grace participated in the North Carolina QSO Party contest, and enjoyed creating pile-ups on 40 meter and 75 meter phone. Grace is a member of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, the ARRL, and the Powell GT Magnet Elementary School Amateur Radio Society.
Grace enjoys math and science classes in school. She also enjoys the performing and visual arts. Grace has had many lead roles in theater productions. She’s also had her pottery art pieces displayed at the North Carolina Children’s Museum of Art. Her favorite visual arts class has been pottery. Grace enjoys dance, swimming, meeting new people and trying different experiences. Grace is looking forward making new friends and experiencing the Costa Rican culture as a part of this exciting opportunity in amateur radio.

Debora Miller Barton Bray KI4VVE
I started my adventure into Amateur Radio as the oldest student in my own elective class at Powell Elementary School. I had no prior experience but appreciated the enthusiasm of a parent volunteer named Steve Jenkins. As a Public School Teacher, with a Masters Degree in Instructional Technology (Go WolfPack!) I believe students learn best when they can apply concepts to real world applications, that’s authentic learning.
The Amateur Radio Elective is taught during the regular school day and I integrate curriculum from the North Carolina science, math and technology Standard Course of study. Our students study concepts at the heart of wireless communication such as circuit, signal, and antenna theory (Electrical Engineering), electromagnetics and radio wave propagation (Physics), Ohm’s Law (Algebra) and the importance of mathematical units.
This year my students participated in the School Club Round-Up and the North Carolina QSO Party contest. I am a member of the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society, and the Powell GT Magnet Elementary School Amateur Radio Society (KI4LPW). I love to bike on back roads, camp, kayak and I have been to the bottom of the Grand Canyon twice and not on a mule!
2011 Sponsors
Without the support of these great sponsors this trip would not have been possible for most, if not all of our youth team members. By their support these youth operators are going to get to have the ham radio experience of a lifetime, and have one great “what did you do this summer” story when they go back to school in the fall.
These organizations helped support this event with financial support.
Individual Donors
Amounts will not be published.
Any amount will get your name and call sign on our website and a QSL card.
Please Contribute!
A special thanks to Ron Moorefield W8ILC for his generous donation for the 2010 team.
removed per request
Randy Benson KB8III
Tim Arimond N0BYH
Lucinda Gantt KB8LVU
Paul Mobus KE4TMN
Tim Duffy K3LR
Andrew Alexander AC0CO
Cameron Alexander K0CAM
Dick Orander KD4ISC
Alan Pitegoff AB4OZ
Paul Stroud AA4XX
Jim Storms AB8YK
Duncan Maclaclan KUODM
Jim Hammock KI0DN
Pam Hammock KC0FWC
Michael O’Neil KD0BNO
Jack Schaeffer KD8BJS
Steve Jenkins KA8HXX
Karl Bowman W4CHX
Gale Bowman K4GGB
Ed Collins N8NUY
William Turner W4WNT
Sang Lee K7MOK
Marty Young W4MY
Richard Kelly-Crapse KB4TKQ
Brian Short KC0BS
Dave Kalter KB8OCP
Rob Lunsford KB8UEY
Pam Scott W0PRS
Tim Procuniar N8NQH
Keith & Lisa Yowell
C. J. Orr KJ4OBQ
Jerry Jones KF4ASE
Steve Siwecki KD8NUC
Tink Siwecki KD8NUA
Artur Siwecki KD8NUB
Cyndi Pearce KD4ACW
Gary Pearce KN4AQ